Brazilian Supreme Court Refuses To Judge Its Biggest Case On IP And Access To Medicines, And Benefits Big Pharma With Undue Monopolies

Intellectual Property Watch | 13 September, 2018

SECTION27, TAC launch new treatment access history

Section27.og | 03 September, 2018

ABIA and GTPI on Globo Radio in Brazil, on their demands for the last standing Sofosbuvir patent application to be rejected

Globo Radio | 20 August, 2018

Why India’s IP policy needs a South African tweak

The Hindu Business Line | 20 July, 2018

இந்தியாவில் மருந்து காப்புரிமை முறைப்படிதான் வழங்கப்படுகிறதா?

The Hindu (Tamil Edition) | 30 May, 2018

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