Granted Biologics patent applications under analysis (2002-2018)

For further notes on methodology, as well as to read our analysis of the data, please see the corresponding report under the 'Arguments' tab: Monopolies on Biologics, including Vaccines

Rejected Biologics patent applications under analysis (2002-2018)

For further notes on methodology, as well as to read our analysis of the data, please see the corresponding report under the 'Arguments' tab: Monopolies on Biologics, including Vaccines

Summary of Brazil patent information by active ingredient (Chaves et. al, Fiocruz)

For further notes on methodology, as well as to read our analysis of the data, please see the corresponding report under the 'Arguments' tab: Medicines under Exclusivity Situation funded by the Ministry of Health: Analysis of the Patent Situation and Public Procurement.

All South African patents filed in the country between 2005-2015

For further notes on methodology, as well as to read our analysis of the data, please see the corresponding report under the 'Arguments' tab: Innovation and Intellectual Property in South Africa: The Case for Reform

All foreign patents filed in South Africa between 2005-2015

For further notes on methodology, as well as to read our analysis of the data, please see the corresponding report under the 'Arguments' tab: Innovation and Intellectual Property in South Africa: The Case for Reform