accessibsa is a tri-continental project enabled by a fellowship from the Shuttleworth Foundation. Our work expands access to life-saving medicines and vaccines for those most in need.

As a strict rule, we do not accept money or support from the pharmaceutical industry, including generic manufacturers, directly or indirectly, in any form whatsoever.

To get in touch, email us at info /@/ accessibsa /dot/ org OR aprabhala /@/ gmail /dot/ com


Feroz Ali

Professor Feroz Ali is the Department of Industry Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry Chair on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras.

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Vânia Alves

Vânia Alves is a journalist with over 20 years of experience. For the last 10 years, she has been working for Non-Governmental Organizations as a communications coordinator, interim communications director, and press officer.

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Jonathan Berger

Jonathan Berger is an advocate of the High Court of South Africa and a member of the Johannesburg Bar. After serving as the legal education and advice officer at the National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality from 1997 to 1999, he clerked for Justice O’Regan of the Constitutional Court of South Africa.

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Gabriela Costa Chaves

Gabriela Costa Chaves is a pharmacist, who went on to do a Master’s Degree and subsequently a PhD in public health at the Department of Medicines Policy and Pharmaceutical Services (NAF), Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health (ENSP), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz).

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Roberta Dorneles Ferreira da Costa

Roberta Dorneles Ferreira da Costa is a pharmacist from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2012). She has a Master’s Degree in Public Health from the University of State of Rio de Janeiro, in which she evaluated the federal purchases of medicines for Alzheimer’s disease.

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Vivek Divan

Vivek is a lawyer who has worked for two decades on the intersections of health, law and human rights in India and internationally. He managed Lawyers Collective HIV/AIDS Unit in India from 2000-07 where he developed the work on intellectual property and access to medicines.

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Walter Britto Gaspar

Walter Britto Gaspar graduated in law from the Getulio Vargas Foundation, and is a candidate for a Master’s Degree in Public Health at the Social Medicine Institute at the Rio de Janeiro State University.

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Arjun Jayadev

Dr. Jayadev is an Associate Professor of Economics at the School of Liberal Studies at Azim Premji University (APU), Bangalore. He has also worked as an Associate Professor of Economics at University of Massachusetts (UMass), Boston, USA (2005-2017), as a Fellow at Roosevelt Institute, New York, USA (2009-2011), & as the visiting research Fellow at the Columbia University Committee on Global Thought, New York, USA (2007-2009).

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Roshan John

Roshan is a lawyer and researcher working on Intellectual Property. His work currently focusses on patent laws. He is broadly interested in studying and analyzing the law and policy aspects of IP, science, and technology through a developmental perspective.

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Sudhir Krishnaswamy

Sudhir Krishnaswamy is Professor and Director of the School of Policy and Governance, Azim Premji University and a Founder and Trustee of the Centre for Law and Policy Research, Bangalore.

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Chatura Padaki

A seasoned professional, Chatura has spent several years in strategising, planning and managing Content and Communications across several industries.

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Pedro Paranaguá

Pedro Paranaguá was, until recently, the Lead Advisor to the Workers Party at the Brazilian House of Representatives for Internet, copyright, patent, data privacy, cybercrime, and related matters.

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Achal Prabhala

Achal Prabhala is a writer and researcher based in Bangalore, India. He is a fellow of the Shuttleworth Foundation and an activist for access to medicines, whose work spans India, Brazil and South Africa.

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C.Prabhu is a lawyer based in Chennai, with an interest in Administrative and Intellectual Property Laws. He graduated from Delhi University with a B.A.Geography (Hons.) and an LL.B.

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Sudarsan Rajagopal

Sudarsan is a patent analyst based in London. A biologist looking to expand his lexicon, he divides his time grappling with both scientific jargon and legalese found in patents.

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Venkata Subramanian Raman

Venkat’s love for technologies and his passion for helping research products to enter the market place, helped him transition from bench work to IP side.

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Andrew Rens

Dr. Andrew Rens works on problems at the intersection of law and technology including health innovation, AI and development, and open educational resources.

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James Tiburcio

James Tiburcio is a researcher and translator between São Paulo and Bangalore. He works on Public Policy and its application to Food Security in Brazil and India.

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Mariani Nunes Sadock Vianna

Mariani Nunes Sadock Vianna studies Pharmacy at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). She is an intern at the Department of Medicines Policy and Pharmaceutical Services (NAF) at ENSP/Fiocruz

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Marcela Fogaça Vieira

Marcela Fogaça Vieira is a lawyer and researcher working on human rights and access to medicines since 2005. She is an expert on intellectual property law and holds a master’s degree in public health.

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